Root Chakra Support Kit

Root Chakra Support Kit


This carefully curated selection of items is designed to help you balance and nurture your root chakra, promoting a deeper connection to your sense of safety and belonging.

Included in the Kit:

Cinnamon Chai Bath Salts: Immerse yourself in a soothing bath with our specially formulated bath salts, crafted with root chakra-supportive ingredients.

Red Jasper Crystal: This crystal helps to promote stability, courage, and vitality, making it an ideal companion for your journey toward balance and grounding.

Dalmatian Jasper Crystal: A unique stone known for its ability to foster a sense of playfulness and joy while grounding and stabilizing energy.

Black Tourmaline Crystal: Shield yourself from negativity and cultivate a sense of protection with Black Tourmaline, a powerful grounding stone that helps to absorb and transmute negative energy.

Root Chakra Affirmations: Manifest a sense of security and stability with our collection of affirmations specifically tailored to support the root chakra. Use these empowering statements to cultivate a positive mindset and reinforce your connection to the earth.

Digital Guide on the Root Chakra: Use a QR code to open a comprehensive digital guide, which explores the significance of this energy center and offers practical tips and practices for supporting its balance.

*Please note that crystal sizes vary and will be hand-selected for each kit

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