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I’m River!

I'm a soul fueled by creativity and spirituality. I feel most alive when I'm immersed in creating, journaling, and exploring the landscapes of the Pacific Northwest. The outdoors is where I find solace, inspiration, and a deep sense of connection to something greater than myself. My creative work revolves around words, fiber arts, photography, and paper-crafting.

In 2022 I published my first collection of poetry “Holiest of Snacks, and in 2023 I graduated from Eastern Oregon University after studying art and music. Shortly after graduation I obtained a certification in life coaching and currently work with women who are navigating divorce, creativity, and spiritual self growth.

For many years I’ve worked with spiritual tools on my own journey, and in 2021 started to deep-dive my relationship with tarot and intuition. I felt called to share this gift with others and now offer guidance and support through tarot readings, for individuals in private readings and for the collective with social media shares.

I spend my free time traveling, writing, podcasting, and making art with my two wild and magical children.

Fun Facts:

~ My astrology “big three”: Taurus Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Rising

~ I am Nuerodivergent and raising a ND child

~ I grew up in a religious cult

~ I have a deaf Red Heeler

~ I plan to attend grad school in the future for art therapy!

~ You’ve never had a better donut than the ones I make!

~ I co-host a podcast for women called Live Out Loud! You can find us on any podcast streaming platform!


My Guiding Principles


01. Creativity is an integral piece of healing

The act of creating has immense power to help us return to ourselves, move through old narratives and trauma, and see our bodies and selves in a new light.

02. Women need community

Through my journey of divorce, single motherhood, and discovering my soul purpose, I learned that women need spaces and support that inspire, uplift, and nurture who they truly are; my mission as a coach and creator is to facilitate and hold space for other women to be seen and held as they take their journey.

03. It starts within

There is absolutely nothing in life that can bring us true peace, joy, fulfillment, or healing until we become deeply connected to ourselves. The love we cultivate within has the power to spill over into the world and heal others. This is the journey: expanding and continuously growing in ways that serve our soul, our loved ones, and our community.


It is never too late to make choices toward healing, growth, and connecting with your soul's purpose. Do you feel nudges from the universe? Are you feeling stuck and want to shift? You can make that choice and movement right now.


this is my squad.


Big Sis

this photo says everything you need to know

Little Brother

watch out for the quiet one