A Guide to Full Moon Rituals

The full moon has captivated humanity for thousands of years, inspiring awe and reverence across cultures and spiritual practices. Astronomically, the full moon occurs when the Earth is positioned directly between the sun and the moon, with the moon fully illuminated by the sun's rays. Symbolically, it represents the peak of lunar energy, a time of heightened intuition, clarity, and emotional release. For many, harnessing this energy through ritualistic practices is a deeply spiritual and empowering experience.

If you are new to the use of ritual and ceremony during the full moon, the following suggestions are meant to serve as a starting point. As you continue to connect with the moon and the lunar cycles, you will naturally evolve your practices. For now, try these out and see what feels right!

Intention Setting

One of the most common practices during the full moon is setting intentions. As the moon reaches its fullest potential, so too can we align our intentions with our deepest desires and aspirations. Take a moment to reflect on what you wish to manifest in your life. Whether it's personal growth, career advancement, or improved relationships, articulate your intentions with clarity and conviction.

Use Astrology

While the full moon falls under a different zodiac sign each month and has themes unique to that sign, you can use your birth chart to determine how the full moon affects you personally. If you go to Astro Charts and run a free birth chart, it will show you a list of the houses of your chart (there are 12), and which zodiac sign falls into each one! So if the full moon is in Virgo, look at your list of houses on your chart to see where Virgo falls - this will tell you what you are being invited to reflect on during the full moon. You can google “5th house in Virgo” or whatever the combination may be, and articles will pop up to explain it!

Moon Bathing

Find a serene outdoor location or a comfortable spot by a window where you can bask in the moon's glow. Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and visualize the moon's energy enveloping you. Allow its light to cleanse and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.


Set aside time for reflective journaling during the full moon. Write down your thoughts, emotions, and insights that surface during this potent lunar phase. Explore any patterns or recurring themes in your life and contemplate how you can release what no longer serves you.

Moonlit Oracle

Work with an oracle or tarot deck under the light of the full moon to gain insight and guidance for the next phase of the lunar cycle (to the new moon). Select cards intuitively and allow their messages to help you set your intentions or understand what you need to shed.

Elemental Altar

Create an altar adorned with symbols representing the four elements—earth, air, fire, and water—to honor the elemental energies present during the full moon. Incorporate items such as stones, feathers, candles, and bowls of water to invoke the elemental forces and their transformative powers.

Elemental Invocation

Invoke the elemental energies of the earth, air, fire, and water during your ritual, calling upon their support and guidance as you work with the energy of the full moon. Offer gratitude to the elements for their presence and assistance in your spiritual journey.

Crystal Grid Activation

Create a sacred geometric pattern using crystals aligned with your intentions for the full moon. Place crystals such as clear quartz, amethyst, and moonstone in a formation that resonates with you, infusing the grid with your desires and intentions. You can also look up the crystals associated with the zodiac sign that the full moon falls under, and utilize those crystals for your grid. For example, the upcoming full moon is in Virgo and some crystals for the sign would be Smoky Quartz, Moss Agate, and Peridot.

Crystal Charging

Place your crystals under the light of the full moon to cleanse and recharge them with lunar energy.

Crystal Meditation

Select a crystal that resonates with the energy of the full moon, such as selenite or labradorite, and hold it in your hands during meditation.

Chanting and Mantras

Use sacred chants or mantras that resonate with the energy of the full moon, such as the "Om" mantra or lunar-themed chants. Repeat these sounds rhythmically during your ritual to attune your vibration with the cosmic frequencies.

Instrumental Soundscapes

Play soothing instrumental music, such as Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, or other sacred music (head to Spotify for some amazing playlists) to create a serene and meditative ambiance. Allow the music to guide you.

Drumming and Rhythms

Incorporate rhythmic drumming or percussion instruments into your ritual to invoke primal energy and connect you with the pulsating rhythms of the universe.

Moonlit Dance

Dance under the light of the full moon, allowing your body to move freely and expressively. Channel the energy of the moon into your movements, releasing tension, and inviting joy into your being.

Release Ceremony

Create a sacred space for a release ceremony. Light candles, burn sage, or palo santo to purify the energy, and gather items that support this release - such as crystals, photographs, etc. Write down any limiting beliefs, fears, or emotional baggage on a piece of paper, then safely burn it as an act of surrender and liberation.

Host a Moon Circle

Moon circles, also known as lunar circles or women's circles, are sacred gatherings where individuals come together to honor the cycles of the moon, share intentions, and support each other's spiritual journeys.

Moon Meditation

Use a guided meditation focused on connecting with the energy of the full moon (you can find so many free ones on YouTube!). Visualize yourself absorbing its radiant light and channeling it into every aspect of your being. Allow yourself to experience peace, clarity, and inner guidance.

Cleansing Rituals

Full moons offer a potent opportunity for cleansing and releasing energetic blockages, emotional baggage, and negative patterns. Use cleansing rituals in your full moon ceremonies to purify your mind, body, and spirit:

  1. Salt Bath Ritual: Prepare a warm bath infused with Epsom salt, sea salt, and essential oils known for their cleansing properties, such as lavender or eucalyptus. As you soak in the saltwater, visualize any negativity or tension melting away, leaving you feeling purified and revitalized.

  2. Smoke Cleansing: Perform a smoke cleansing ritual using sage, cedar, or other cleansing herbs to clear stagnant energy from your space and aura. Light the herbs and allow the smoke to waft over your body and around your home, focusing on areas where energy feels heavy or stagnant. Always remember to purchase sage herbs from companies and individuals who use fair trade practices and support indigenous communities.

  3. Water Ritual: Fill a bowl with purified water and set it outside under the light of the full moon to charge and imbue it with lunar energy. The next morning, use the moon-charged water to cleanse your face, hands, and body, symbolically washing away any negative energies.

The full moon offers us a powerful opportunity for growth and spiritual renewal. By engaging in intentional rituals, we can harness its energy to manifest our dreams, release what no longer serves us, and align with our highest potential. As you incorporate full moon rituals into your life, remember to approach them with reverence, mindfulness, and an open heart…

and of course, have fun with it too!

Have a full moon ritual not listed in this guide? Drop it in the comments below - I would love to read about your practices!