Root Chakra Support Guide

Power of the Root Chakra

The root chakra, or Muladhara, is located at the base of the spine and serves as the foundation of our energetic system, grounding us and providing a sense of stability and security. It is associated with our sense of belonging, our connection to our physical body, and our relationship with the material world. When the root chakra is in balance we feel grounded, confident, and connected to the present moment. However, imbalances in this chakra can lead to feelings of insecurity, fear, and instability.

The root chakra resonates with the element of earth and is symbolized by a vibrant red color.

Supporting Your Root Chakra

Spend time outdoors, walk barefoot on the earth, or simply sit in a park and observe the natural world around you. Nature has a grounding effect that helps balance the Root Chakra.

Engage in activities that bring your awareness to the present moment, such as deep breathing, yoga, or mindfulness practices. Visualize roots extending from your body into the earth, anchoring you firmly to the ground.

Listen to solfeggio frequency (Hertz) 396 - you can find these on Youtube.

Engage in regular exercise that focuses on the lower body, such as walking, jogging, or dancing. Physical movement helps release stagnant energy and connects you to your body.

Create a safe and supportive environment in your home and workspace. Surround yourself with comforting objects, such as blankets, candles, or crystals that resonate with the Root Chakra. Place these crystals near your root chakra during meditation or carry them with you throughout the day to promote feelings of stability and security.

Wear red - incorporate the color into your wardrobe and accessories for daily support.

Affirmations can be powerful tools for reprogramming the mind and shifting negative thought patterns. Repeat affirmations to reinforce feelings of security and stability.

Incorporate nourishing, grounding foods into your diet, such as root vegetables (carrots, potatoes, beets), protein-rich legumes (beans, lentils), and red fruits like strawberries or cherries. Herbal teas such as ginger or dandelion root can also support the Root Chakra.

Seek support from an energy healer or sound therapist who can work with your root chakra.

Root Chakra Support Kit

These kits were lovingly crafted to support you on the journey of healing and unblocking your Root Chakra. Each kit contains:

Dalmatian Jasper (Tumbled)

Dalmatian Jasper is thought to assist in grounding your energy and connecting you to the earth, which can help stabilize the root chakra. Additionally, Dalmatian Jasper is said to encourage a sense of playfulness and joy, which can help to uplift your mood and promote a more positive outlook on life. This can be beneficial for those feeling disconnected from their sense of purpose or struggling with apathy or lethargy.

Red Jasper (Tumbled)

Red Jasper assists with courage and inner strength, qualities that can be beneficial when working to overcome obstacles or challenges related to the root chakra.

Black Tourmaline (Rough)

Black Tourmaline is believed to create a protective shield around the wearer, shielding them from negative energies and influences.

Root Chakra Affirmations

I wrote affirmations that you can reach for when feeling in need of support. Each one is aligned with the themes of a balanced root. I would encourage you to take one affirmation each morning and sit with it in meditation or journaling - allow the message to sink in and take note of how it feels in your body to speak it.

Root Chakra Bath Salts

This one-time-use bath salt was crafted specifically for the root chakra. Fill up a warm bath, add the salts to the water, and let your body relax. This combination of Epsom salt, sea salt, Himalayan salt, cinnamon, and vanilla chai blend will support your self-nourishment. Turn the lights off, add a single candle, and listen to Hertz 396 while you soak and reflect on what is currently blocking your sense of security and identity.

Bonus Support: Journaling Prompts

It’s no secret around here that I love journaling as a tool for self-knowing and growth! I’ve created a set of prompts to support your journey of balancing and healing your root chakra - may they guide you to discovering more about yourself.

  1. What does security mean to me? How do I currently experience security in my life?

  2. Reflecting on a time when I felt most grounded and connected to the present moment: What factors contributed to this feeling?

  3. What are my primary fears or anxieties related to survival (e.g., financial insecurity, instability in relationships)? How do these fears manifest in my life?

  4. How do I care for my physical body? Am I satisfied with my current level of self-care, including nutrition, exercise, and rest?

  5. What is my relationship with my family and ancestors? How do these relationships influence my sense of belonging and stability?

  6. What is my connection to nature? Do I feel grounded when I spend time in natural environments? How can I incorporate more nature-based practices into my daily life?

  7. What are my core values, and how do they support my sense of security and stability?

  8. How do I handle change and uncertainty?

Sending you love and support on your journey! May your Root Chakra heal and bring you to a new chapter of feeling secure, nurtured, and ROOTED!